Why are new languages consider functional over OO ? go and rust are examples
I want to insert image when i describe my question's problem
you used many time para term...what it is?
Is it possible to upload an image directly in Scoold?
한글은 검색이 잘 되나? 잘 됬으면 좋겠는데..
4 years ago
Such as https://www.google.com Is there an intermediary page warning about external links? What kind of protections are users provided to ward off phishing U...
4 years ago
In StackOveflow, users can edit other questions and answers, for instance, if we see a typo or some formatting issues. Is this possible in Scoold? Is it base...
6 years ago
Disclaimer: these questions may be a bit dumb, since I just started trying out a scoold deployment. If I host a scoold server on my own server (on-prem), it ...
4 years ago
مرحباً فقط اختبر امكانية المنصة مرحباً فقط اختبر امكانية المنصة مرحباً https://images.ctfassets.net/hrltx12pl8hq/7yQR5uJhwEkRfjwMFJ7bUK/dc52a0913e8ff8b5c2761...
3 years ago
Is it possible to add comments to answers like stackoverflow? And can I edit my answer after posting it? EDIT: Commenting is now enabled by default. See para...
when is a question unapproved?
4 years ago
Turn off the title so they just insert text?
I've taken a look at the Scoold schema in MariaDB and it's pretty flat. Really just a single table with text fields for storing the content as JSON. Given th...
The thing with questions is that they require answers. But answers are hard. Answers, for instance, need two alineas. Sometime three. Terrible!
Does Scoold supoprt writing articles as Medium?
in the Scoold Pro Demo I can see the admin interface with some admin options but in this Demo I can't see it. Is the non-Pro version admin interface similar ...
Hi how to install this tool scoold on windows machine. how to use it at an organization level.is there any option to create a group for my organization emplo...
Is it possible to ask and answer questions anonymously?
I see the list of questions listed in tabular form. Is there a way to list structured like forums?
2 years ago
Why? Also, how does the reputation thing work? EDIT: Commenting is now enabled by default. See para.new_users_can_comment setting.